Unlock your
strategic potential,
create brands that make a difference

Welcome to Sincera Space, the creative and strategic space for you to flow at your best.

Are you a strategist or creative who still feels like something is missing to truly amplify the impact of your work?
You’ve mastered the theory but struggle to put it in practice?
Do you feel stuck when it comes to strategy?
Unsure about testing new approaches or refining your personal style?
You lead projects, but crave something more advanced to take your work to the next level?
These feelings are more common than you might think — and that’s where Sincera Space comes in 💪.

From Brander to Branders:
The community of practice that will level up your strategy game and amplify your impact.
Sincera Space was created as a community of practice and learning experiences in Branding, with a focus on strategy. It understands what you’re going through and aims to help you move beyond information overload and into practical application.
More than just new techniques, it’s a journey about:
💪 Gaining confidence
👁️ Refining your perspective
🌱 Building your unique approach
🌊 Unlocking flow in your work
We strengthen your confidence and strategic-creative skills with real and applicable practice.
What we offer
Advanced tools:
expand your portfolio and elevate your projects to new levels.
Innovative strategic content: unconventional formats that bring fresh perspectives to your repertoire.
Hands-on training:
learn by doing, with practical methods and real case studies.
Methods that build confidence: a solid framework for leading projects with clarity and assurance.
For you to
Move from "I'm stuck"
to "I'm flowing"

I help creatives become
more strategic and strategists
unlock their creative potential.
It may seem like magic, but it's not. While believing in magic is important, I must be honest with you: getting there requires dedication.
The path I propose is an intense combination of practice and inspiration.
Here's what you can expect:
Hands-on, real practice:
We go beyond ready-made templates. You will learn to create strategies through practical exercises, using your own hands and mind.
Critical thinking and strategic vision:
Here, we teach you to think critically, connect the dots in unconventional ways, and build solutions that are innovative and relevant.
Continuous skill development:
Through exercises that require analysis and creativity, you will enhance your strategic capacity and understand how to apply it in real case studies.
A path guided by inspiration:
With content that blends theory, practice, and a creative approach, you will explore new ways of thinking and doing branding in an authentic and meaningful way.
It is not just about frameworks:
While we have valuable tools, we don’t follow fixed formulas. We go beyond "filling in templates," helping you develop your own way of thinking
It's not about ready-made answers:
Every brand is unique, and here you will learn to articulate your own ideas and find tailored solutions.
It is not a quick journey
Let’s be honest—growth takes time and effort. But with someone by your side, you’re not walking alone. We’re here every step of the way
It's not an environment of formulas:
It's a space for experimentation, where you develop your own authentic style by applying concepts in innovative ways.

I'm Livia Germano, brand strategist, facilitator of co-creation and innovation processes, teacher and founder of Sincera Branding e Inovação .
I combined my passion for creative-strategic tools and methods with 20 years of experience as a branding specialist to create this platform for learning experiences in branding and innovation.
I hope you find here a space that enhances your knowledge and skills while fueling your passion and joy for creating amazing things!